Terms and Conditions

The General Conditions of Loisirs à l’Ecole as set out below server to clarify the details and rules relating to the After School club/ Supervised homework of Loisirs à l’Ecole.

 Parents must acknowledge these and accept, unconditionally the terms as set out below:

Loisirs à l’Ecole offers 3 options :

  • After School Clubs (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
  • Supervised Homework (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
  • Wednesday After School Club

Enrolment for the above activities requires:

  • Parent’s or legal guardian’s consent
  • On-line registration, confirmation, and acceptance by the parents/guardian
  • Payment is made termly and due within 48 hours following the enrolment

Loisirs à l’Ecole activities are offered on a per term basis and are available for:

  • From Pre-School to Year 6 (PS to CM2)

The calendar is as follows:

  • 1st term: September to December
  • 2nd term: January to March
  • 3rd term: April to July

There is no activities during Half Term, public holidays or summer holidays.


Children participating in these extracurricular activities are fully insured within the operating framework of Loisirs à l’Ecole.

Specific conditions:

LOISIRS A L’ECOLE is independent of South Kensington Primary School.

Please DO NOT contact them for lateness, information…

You can reach us by email: [email protected]

By phone, SMS,or Whatsapp on : 075 26 295 375

All activities take place after school hours and as such are subject to strict adherence to the following rules:


Type activityTimes
After school clubs and supervised homework: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday3.30pm to 5.00pm
Wednesday afterschool club12.30pm to 2.30pm

A late pick up is not pleasant for any child. We do tolerate a delay of 10 minutes.

Two delays of more than 10 minutes will result in cancellation of registration without refund.

  • If the child is pick up by another person than the usual one, parents/guardian should inform Loisirs à l’Ecole.
  • If the child wish goes home, alone (year 5 and 6 only) parents/guardian should inform Loisirs à l’Ecole in writing to [email protected]

Any oral request will not be considered.

  • A child cannot attend part of an activity or leave the club earlier than the official end time

Collection of a child by another child of siblings:

If you want your child to be picked up by a sibling, even minor, Loisirs à l’Ecole informs you about the recommendations of the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children): No child under the age of 16 should be entrusted with the responsibility of a younger child. It is the Parents/Guardian responsibility to ensure that their child is dropped off or picked up at Loisirs à l’Ecole by a responsible person if the journey from the place of the clubs to home presents dangers.

The NSPCC advises to ensure on a case-by-case basis the advisability to entrusting such responsibility to a sibling, according to the potential risks, the degree of maturity of the responsibility child, the length and the nature of the journey home, the behaviour of the child in care and his relationship with the elder.

If after reading these recommendations, you wish to entrust one of your children with the responsibility, please report it in writing to [email protected]

Any oral request will not be considered.


  1. If the child become ill during the activity, coordinator will contact the parents/guardian to arrange a pick up.
  2. If the child is absent at home, parents/guardian should inform the coordinator by email or SMS. Any absence short or long will not be reimburse either partially or wholly.
  3. If an animator is absent, a temporary solution will be implemented.

The absence of any animator, short term, will not be reimburse either partially or wholly.

Cancellation of activities:

The following reasons may lead to any activity being cancelled:

  • Weather conditions: Snow, Strong winds
  • Decisions by South Kensington Primary School to close the school
  • Local or general decisions to stop the activity following lockdown, risk of pandemics.

The activities will be cancelled and parents informed, there would be no reimbursement made.

Consent for audio or visual recording and photographs

In accordance with Data Protection legislation, Loisirs à l’Ecole require your consent to take and use audio or visual recording and photographs of your child.

We may use these photographs and recording, on Loisirs à l’Ecole website. This consent can be withdrawn at any time.